We have been drinking matcha lattes daily.
Find a very good quality matcha tea powder. Research it well. Buy online or from your local grocery store.

For a latte, an electric frother is essential. No worries, they are very easy to operate and clean. They also are versatile. You could enjoy simply warming your creamer or milk for coffee.
The bamboo whisk and 2-cup measuring cup are important to have.
You could do without the sift and half-teaspoon, but I enjoy the consistent and smooth taste they create.
You can go with regular dairy milk or a healthier alternative. We enjoy Oatly Oat Milk. And if you desire to sweeten your matcha latte, cane sugar is fabulous, and is what most tea shops use. Agave is also very good, and it can be added to the frother with the milk to be warmed together.
I will add a how-to-make video later. There are plenty on YouTube. As with most things, practice makes perfect.
Give a Matcha Latte a try.