Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Grits with Brisket

In Asia, we eat rice porridge, also known as congee.  And we put some different ingredients in it:  egg, some meat, scallions and even ginger.  I still make it in the USA, and it's a filling comfort food, especially at night.  Recently, though, I started using a Southern (USA) substitute for rice:  grits!  I make them very creamy (almost soupy), using water, milk, cream or even heavy cream.  And don't forget butter!   Not shortcuts.  I then add a raw egg and let it poach in the grits.  Those "lumps" you see in the grits are the egg white.  As for meats, I've used shrimp (already boiled), which is very delicious.  And in this case, I used some brisket we got at a local barbecue restaurant.  Pork and chicken will also do well, of course.  Season with salt (or soy sauce) and pepper, then enjoy about an hour or two before bedtime.  See how well you sleep!

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